It is the policy that all LUA students wear the uniform, in its entirety, each day, unless special permission is given to not wear it. Uniforms may be purchased online at www.frenchtoast.com. When ordering online, use the school code QS5RCYN. Also, they can be purchased at Gap, Old Navy, and local department stores such as Target, Kohl’s, and Meijer.
PK-5th Boys and Girls: Light blue polo shirt and navy-blue dress pants. Optional for girls: long skirts or jumpers, accompanied by solid colored (navy, gray, white, or black) tights. No bare legs under skirts or jumpers are permitted. Students can choose to wear a solid colored abaya/distasha on Fridays only, with the understanding that solid colored pants must be worn underneath, and that the abaya/distasha needs to stay on throughout the entire school day, including recess and/or PE.
6th-8th Grade Boys: Navy-blue or white polo shirt with tan/khaki dress pants. Students may wear a shirt under long sleeve polo shirts for warmth; however, any garments worn under the uniform must not show and must be tucked in. No shirts may be layered under short-sleeve polo shirts. Boys can choose to wear a solid colored distasha on Fridays only, with the understanding that solid colored pants must be worn underneath, and that the distasha needs to stay on throughout the entire school day, including recess and/or PE.
6th-8th Grade Girls: Navy-blue shirt (can be purchased from eastessence.com), sku LK5005 with tan khaki pants or long khaki skirt. Girls can also choose to wear a solid black closed abaya on Fridays only, with the understanding that solid colored pants must be worn underneath, and that the abaya needs to stay on throughout the entire school day, including recess and/or PE. All hijabs worn by students must be black, gray, white, light or dark blue hijabs with a solid underpiece (kumta); no patterned hijabs are permitted.
Outerwear for all students: Solid navy blue or black sweaters, hooded sweatshirts, cardigans, or vests. No logos larger than the size of a credit card are permitted. Hoods are not to be worn in the building. Winter jackets are not allowed to be worn in classes; they must be hung in their cubbies (lower school) or kept in their lockers (middle school).
Shoes for all students: Rubber soled shoes. No heels or sandals are permitted.
Hijab: Beginning in 5th grade, hijab is required. All other students should bring one for Salat if they do not wear one. All hijabs must be black, gray, white, light or dark blue.
Makeup, Nails, and Jewelry: Students may not wear make-up, including but not limited to eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, foundation, blush, lipstick, colored lip gloss. Nails should be trimmed and unpainted. No fake nails allowed. Girls may wear stud earrings; necklaces should be placed underneath the shirt.
Boys Hair: Students should not have any extreme haircuts. No half-shaven designs or layered haircuts. Hair should not extend below the eyebrows or ears.
Children not in proper uniform will be given a warning for 1st offense and parents will be called to pick up the child or bring a change of clothes for the 2nd offense. Please send your child properly dressed in uniform daily.
Any concerns with the dress code policy should be addressed by the parent via a meeting with administration.