About Us
Our Mission
Equip our students with a firm, God-centered foundation of values and a high standard of academic excellence. Provide the Islamic environment that caters to the betterment of self, family, community, and humanity.
Our Vision
Develop exemplary students who are enriched with knowledge and balanced character based on Islamic values.

Message from the President of the Board
Asalamu Alaikum,
On behalf of the Lexington Universal Academy Board of Directors, it is an honor and a privilege to welcome you to our updated website which will highlight our recent accomplishments and activities. This website is an opportunity for us to appreciate the blessings that Allah SWT has given us and celebrate the progress that has been made.
We are proud of our professional administration and staff members and the work they do every day to ensure our students are learning and growing to be educated productive Muslims. We are proud of our students who come to school each day dedicated to learning and doing their best to serve Allah SWT.
We are also proud of our parents, our volunteers, and our LUA community. We are deeply appreciative of all of our donors that continue to support LUA’s growth and accomplishments.
As you go through the pages of this website, we hope that you will share our enthusiasm for our school, its students, faculty, and staff and all they have achieved.
Jazakum Allah Khair