Community Service
LUA believes in serving our Muslim community as well as the community at-large. Here are some examples of our community service
Jummah/Friday Prayers All Year
Ramadan Taraweeh Prayers
Organize EID Carnival
Host STEM Night open to the community
Host Multiple Youth and Community (ISCK) Events
Summer Soccer Camp
Host Blood Drive
Host Feed the Hungry Event
Raise Money for American Cancer Society on Pink Hijab Day
Participate in Lexington’s Recycling Program
Distribute Barakah/Blessing bags to Hope Center
Collect coats for Day of Dignity. Students volunteered
Collect coats, jackets, socks, hygiene products for refugees
Visit St. Joseph Children’s Home
Participate in the Share Center Food Drive program
Visit Mayfair Nursing Home
Sponsor a Water Drive for Flint, MI